Mississippi is one of the most fertile regions in America. With so many different types of fruits, it can be hard to decide which tree will grow well in your specific location and needs. In order to pick the right trees for your specific location and needs, there are several things you should consider.
For example, pollination is important for apple orchards which require two different varieties on their rootstock- a standard variety that provides pollen and a dwarfing variety that provides roots but not pollen. This makes certain apples more susceptible to disease than others because they do not have the necessary cross-pollination from other varieties with resistance genes.

9 Best fruit trees for Mississippi
1. Fantasia Nectarine Tree

The fantasia nectarine is a large, heavy-bearing tree that blooms early in the year. It has an upright to spreading or vase shape and produces sweet-tasting yellow-orange fruits with red blush on skins. They are very easy to peel and have excellent flavor qualities which make them perfect for fresh eating.
The Fantasia nectarine is a cross between the old yellow nectarines and the Red Haven peach, resulting in fruit with some wonderful qualities. Its large size and heavy-bearing nature make it an economic choice for home gardens or small-scale market producers.
They have excellent flavor qualities which make them perfect for fresh eating without requiring any additional treatment like adding sugar to know the sweeter side of this juicy fruit. The Fantasia nectarine also works well as cooking peaches when you need something firm enough to stand up to heat but easy enough to peel that you don’t end up wasting any produce when it inevitably falls apart from being overcooked.
These nectarines also work well as cooking peaches with moderate success of holding their form when cooked for some time without becoming too soft and mushy. This variety does not typically store long after being picked but they do grow exceptionally well in colder climates like the north where winters bring light freeze events and short growing seasons.
2. Tart Cherry Varieties

Tart cherry varieties are those cherries that have a slightly more acidic taste and tend to be less sweet than the tree-ripened Bing variety. They do not keep for very long so you should only plan on using them if your goal is to make something like pie or other preserves with these types of fruit as they will spoil after just a few days at room temperature, let alone in the refrigerator storage.
Tart cherries are a unique taste that is perfect for those looking for more flavor than sweetness. These trees enjoy the attention of a gardener, but because the fruit won’t last long they grow best when you only want to make something like pie or preserves with them. The good news is that they can produce even during shorter cold springs and light freeze events!
Even though they don’t last longer, tart cherry trees grow well even during light freeze events and can produce ripe fruit through shorter cold springs which makes it an ideal choice when growing near areas where potatoes are grown because it helps prevent potato blight by providing competition for resources between two different crops.
3. Danube Cherry Tree

The Danube Cherry Tree is a small tree that only reaches about 9 feet tall and enjoys full sun. The fruit of the Danube cherry tree are juicy, sweet, and good for fresh eating as well as pies! This makes it one of the best fruit trees for Mississippi because they are easy to grow in pots or containers if you have limited space. They also do not need much water either making them perfect for people who live by themselves without an established irrigation system.
Pollination: Self-fertile; does not require pollinating partners from other plants.
Rootstock: Rootstock – Quince Cider Apple (Malling 9)
Chill hours needed per year – 400+ chill hours required annually to produce fruit.
Disease resistance: Susceptible to fireblight, apple scab and powdery mildew; moderately resistant to cedar-apple rust.”
Mature height: 12-16 feet tall
A cold-hardy tree that will grow in most types of climates and soil conditions is the Dapple or European Pear Tree! This makes it one of the 9 Best Fruit Trees For Mississippi because they can be planted as a hedge or screen if you are concerned about your privacy.
The Danube Cherry Tree is perfect for urban gardeners who have limited space available, don’t have time to take care of a tree, or just love to eat fresh cherries. The cool factor is that it’s an easy way to add something sweet and succulent when visitors come over!
4. Japanese plum varieties

The Japanese plum is an unlikely but accommodating fruit. It produces a tart tasting, dark purple flesh with juice that has some citrus notes and sometimes a hint of raspberry for complexity.
A fall flowering tree or shrub, it’s often used as an ornamental because its flowers are brightly colored and saggy in appearance resembling the pom-poms we would use on parade floats. There’s no escaping the sweet fragrance that these plants give off so they make for wonderful additions to any garden!
The shape of this eggplant-like fruit varies between rounder and more elongated shapes depending on which place you live in – people living nearer to the equator tend towards rounder plums while people residing at more northern latitudes produce elongated fruit.
Small with a wide range of varieties, Japanese plums are just perfect for any garden. From green-skinned to yellow-fleshed varieties, there is always something that will interest your tastes buds. These fruit berries are easy to grow and the sweet fruity flavor may be used in cooking or juicing – making them a versatile addition to any household.
5. Bosc Pear Tree

Bosc pear trees are large evergreen with multiple trunks that can grow to be 20ft tall or more. The tree is self-fertile and produces fruit that has yellow skin, tender white flesh, and high sugar content. They require close attention as the fruits will fall if they have not been picked in time, but once cared for it provides fantastic produce all year round; ripening from late summer through autumn.
Pollination: Self-pollinating
Rootstock: Quince A type 9A rootstock is recommended because of its drought tolerance.
Chill hours (number): 1500+ chill hours required between November 15th and May 31st each year.
Bosc pears are a perfect addition to any garden – aesthetically pleasing and sturdy. These trees require close monitoring because the fruit will drop if you don’t pick them in time – but once tended, they produce beautiful, sweet fruit year-round!
The Bosc pear tree prefers dry climates and needs your care as the fruits can fall from the tree if not monitored closely. If you give it a good place in your backyard, this is an excellent addition to any garden with tasty fruit all year long!
6. Quince Tree

Quince trees are perfect for those who have a water source nearby as these plants require plenty of moisture. These can be planted together with other fruit trees and the flowers will attract many bees, making this an excellent choice if you’re looking for pollination in your orchard!
The quince tree is sometimes referred to as “the apple’s sister” because it tastes much like apples but has more acidity – so great for cooking desserts such as pies and jams! It also helps that they produce beautiful white blossoms almost all year long. The fruits, when ripe, make lovely preserves which can provide delicious snacks during the cooler months.
Quinces grow best where temperatures remain between 9-15 degrees Celsius (48-59 Fahrenheit)
and will produce about 9 pounds of fruit per tree in a year.
The low chill requirement is due to the fact that this type does not require as much cold weather for pollination and growth, but they are still recommended where there are less than 700 hours below 45 degrees Fahrenheit in winter or 700-800 hours between 9 C (48 F) and 15 C (59F). They’re also more resistant to diseases such as fire blight which can be common amongst other species.
Quince trees do well when planted on their own roots – though it’s possible to graft them onto a compatible rootstock like pear if you wish!
If you’ve got quite some space available then dwarf quinces might be just what you need.
7. American Persimmon Tree

One of the 9 best fruit trees for Mississippi, American Persimmon Trees are a beautiful addition to any garden. They’re also very tasty and have been grown in some parts of North America since colonial times. If you find yourself with a good amount of space then this might be just what you need!
Diospyros virginiana is also known as the American persimmon, common persimmon, eastern persimmon, Simmon, possumwood, possum apples, and sugar plum. This tree is typically dioecious (sometimes monoecious) which means one needs both male and female plants for fruit to form properly. These trees grow best in well-drained soil with an age of 20m and can live up to 500 years. The fruit tastes wonderful when they ripen on the tree but it must be fully ripe before harvested otherwise it can taste sour or astringent.
This tree has large, shiny leaves and light green fruit that fall from the trees during the autumn. Each fruit contains a slightly sweet edible pulp around a hard seed. The American persimmon is often used for drought resistance and shade in gardening schemes.
8. Mulberry Tree

One of the 9 best fruit trees for Mississippi that can grow well in both wet and dry soil, it is also a self-pollinating tree. The mulberry fruits are dark when they ripen on the tree but if left too long to harvest, these will become mealy with an unpleasant taste. These fruits have high levels of anthocyanins which gives this plant its deep purple coloration. This type of 9 best fruit trees for Mississippi has very large leaves and year-round flowers that provide nectar for bees pollination needs as well as shade from sun exposure during hot summers months.
With high levels of anthocyanins, these fruits will darken when ripe but if left too long to harvest then they will become mealy with an unpleasant taste making them unsuitable for consumption. This tree requires little care apart from pruning and spacing from other plants for good pollination purposes; it provides nectar flower resources throughout the year.
Mulberries are a great way to bring new diversity into your existing garden, as their flowers produce tasty nectar and leaves provide shade for hot days while fetching other 11 great benefits. These plants also have a deep purple bark that will aesthetically enhance any area it’s in with its rich color. Let these trees take care of the job or keeping pests at bay and feed you some tasty fruit as thanks!
9. PawPaw Tree

The American pawpaw is more often than not underrated and under-utilized as a food crop, partly due to its location. When occasionally found on grocery shelves in southern states, the high cost typically does not make it an easy butternut squash substitution for this mostly forgotten favorite from childhood that deserves better. The plant has been successfully cultivated in large US temperate regions such as Illinois and Maryland, with climates similar to fabled old-growth forests of Appalachia where the fruit takes its name.
I’ve never tasted anything quite like it before – once you peel off the greenish skin (you can eat this too), there’s an intensely bright yellow flesh that tastes subliminally sweet with pineapple overtones that are more subtle than those found in any other winter squash.
I just got a new 9 best fruit trees for Mississippi tree from the grocery store and I can’t wait to plant it!
Considered the largest edible fruit indigenous to the US, pawpaw is a tropical-tasting fruit that’s high in Vitamin C. Intrigued? Stop by your local nursery or farmer’s market for a taste of this unusual native North American treasure.
Paw Paws are grown for their large, edible fruit. Shipped fresh or frozen whole year round, pawpaws are a major agricultural product in the deep south of America and in some parts of Asia and South America. They produce a lovely-smelling blossom followed by green to brown globular fruits up to 12 cm wide containing white edible flesh with four large seeds inside.
Pawpaws are in season from late August until frost, with prime-time production occurring around September (they grow locally). You should know these eccentric natural wonders are only available for two months and rarely reach grocery store shelves so don’t miss out on this opportunity!
Final Thoughts
There are a variety of fruit trees that will grow well for Mississippians. Mississippi’s climate is perfect to grow the American persimmon tree, mulberry tree, pawpaw tree, and nectarine tree. The Danube cherry tree can also be grown in humid climates like Mississippi as it thrives when planted near water sources or even on wet ground.
For those who want an early-season apple harvest with their pear, you should plant Bosc Pear Tree varieties which typically mature earlier than other types of pears. In general, temperate regions such as Mississippi are best suited for growing temperate fruits so if you live there consider planting some new varieties today!