West Virginia is a state best known for its natural beauty and rich history.
But what about fruit trees?
Sure, there are a few native varieties like apples and pawpaws, but most of the best homegrown fruits in West Virginia come from people’s backyards. Whether you’re looking to grow your own food or just want something nice to look at while you sip your morning coffee on the porch, these three backyard favorites can be grown easily in any climate, even if it’s mountainous!
There are many opportunities for gardening here, but one of the most popular ways to garden in West Virginia is to plant fruit trees! The best types of fruit trees for West Virginia include apple trees, cherry trees, pear trees, peach trees, and grapevines.
In this blog post, we will provide you with helpful tips on how to care for your chosen fruit tree as well as what type of fertilizer would be best suited for your specific region. We hope that after reading our article you’ll have an easier time choosing which fruits will work best for your climate and lifestyle!
1. Golden Delicious Apple Tree

This type of apple tree is best suited for cooler climates and is popular in the Pacific Northwest. The best way to care for your Golden Delicious Apple Tree is by providing it with well-draining soil, as many apples trees have a tendency to dry out easily.
As far as fertilizers go, you can use both organic or chemical products but if using an organic product make sure that they’re not too high in nitrogen so that yours doesn’t end up producing fruit that will be overly ripe early on.
The Golden Delicious tree really takes care of you, and with a little TLC, it’ll give you juicy, crisp apples year after year. This type of apple tree is best suited for cooler climates and is popular in the Pacific Northwest. You have to take care to provide well-draining soil and balance fertilizers correctly though—lackluster fertilizer will cause your tree’s fruit to ripen too soon–but don’t worry, this ancient variety can still produce delicious apples without any help at all.
2. Glenglo™ Peach Tree

The Glenglo™ Peach Tree is best for USDA Zones Four through Nine and produces delicious, juicy peaches. This variety does best in full sun locations with well-draining soil that has been amended to be neutral or slightly acidic. Glenglo peach trees are self-pollinating so you don’t need a pollinator tree nearby if they’re planted close enough together. It can take up to four years for the first crop of fruit from this type of tree, but it’s worth the wait as the bright red-skinned peaches have an amazing flavor!
With dazzling red skin, a juicy inside, and sometimes even two peaches on one tree, Glenglo™ Peach Trees are the ticket to excellent fruit production! These trees are best planted in USDA Zones Four through Nine where there’s plenty of sun. You don’t need a pollinator if they’re planted close enough together due to self-pollination. Though you can expect it to take up to four years for your first crop of delicious peaches from this type of tree–they’re worth the wait!
3. Methley Plum Tree

Plum trees are best planted in USDA Zones Four through Nine where there’s plenty of suns. You don’t need a pollinator if they’re planted close enough together due to self-pollination. Though you can expect it to take up to four years for your first crop of delicious peaches from this type of tree–they’re worth the wait!
Methley Plum Tree: The Methley plum (Prunus domestica methleyensis) is an old variety that was developed by Frank Sinclair Methley, Jr., on his family farm in Poughkeepsie, New York before 1940 and trademarked under Fruitier® Nursery Company Incorporated. This small sweet prune plum has been continuously propagated by Methley’s descendant company since 1985.
The Methley Plum Tree, with its sweet and tart taste, is the perfect addition to your backyard. This small plum tree is a hardy variety that will produce smaller fruit right off the bat while still providing you with plenty of delicious peaches after four years!
4. American Persimmon Tree

American persimmon trees are best known for their sweet orange-like fruit. The durability and prolific nature of these trees make them a great choice if you spend time outdoors or have children who do. They will provide your family with tasty, hardy fruits all year long in West Virginia! These produce large crops of small round fruit that ripen from late September through early November.
The American Persimmons Tree is best grown as an understory tree because it can be sensitive to drought conditions when planted on open ground. It should be placed at the edge of the forest where there is lots of light but not direct sun exposure so that its roots get ample moisture without being exposed to winds which could dry out soil patches and cause dews to evaporate.
It should be planted in a well-drained location with loamy or sandy soil that is deep, at least 15 inches. Heavy clay soil may not drain fast enough and the roots will rot quickly if exposed to prolonged periods of wetness.
The American Persimmon Tree produces large crops of fruit which are harvested September through November from an upright tree with a more open canopy shape than other persimmons varieties such as Hachiya and Fuyu types.
America’s native persimmon can be grown in USDA zones four (North Zone) up into zone six due to its heat-tolerant nature when mature but it does best between zone five and seven when the climate is best.
The best persimmon trees for West Virginia gardens are those varieties that grow in zone five, six, or seven and have a more open canopy shape such as American Persimmons (Diospyros virginiana) which produce large crops of fruit harvested September through November.
5. Danube Cherry Tree

“Danube cherries are a unique variety of tart cherries that originates in Hungary. Danube’s trees grow to about 10 feet, with its fruit being about 2″ long and 1/2 inch wide which is smaller than many other varieties of tart cherries. The tree’s spread habit also makes it a great option for medium-scale orchards as the fruit production is very heavy-bearing.”
Mentions: make better quality pies than Montmorency (although Montmorency dried cherries are slightly better).
Danube cherries make for fantastic pies. This variety of tart cherries is self-fertile, hardy and the fruits taste amazing! The Danube cherry tree prefers temperatures cooler than zone 4 (zone 4a) as it is not suited to warmer climates; for those on the colder end of zone 4 (4a), it’s a perfect fit!
For those on the colder half of zone 4 (zone 4a to be precise) that don’t want to risk it with Gold cherry, go with the Danube. Its tartness is not as strong as Montmorency as the juicy, glossy dark-red fruits contain a bursting sweet-tart flavor profile.”
6. Mulberry Tree

“The Mulberry tree is a member of the Moraceae family and originated in Asia. It has been cultivated for over four thousand years, and it’s one of the best fruit trees to plant in West Virginia gardens because these plants are self-fertile.”
Mulberries don’t have any thorns on them as many other popular garden fruits do. In fact, they’re so easy that you can even hand-pick some berries from your mulberry tree without getting pricked by those pesky little barbs! Mulberries grow best during temperate seasons (fall through spring) when temperatures range anywhere between 55°F up to 80°F – making this berry perfect for colder regions too!”
This variety of tart fruit is best eaten fresh-picked off the tree or while it’s still on the branch. “One of my favorite things to do when I go out into my yard, especially in summer months because they are usually really ripe then, is just plucking a few berries and popping them right into my mouth,” says one satisfied customer!
Mulberries are a must for all gardening enthusiasts. They’re by far one of the easiest to work with, and they come in beautiful colors that range from pink and red to purple! You can get mulberries year-round because their climate is so mild; you can even pick them up without any pricks from those pesky thorns.
7. Paw Paw Tree

The best fruit trees for West Virginia are Paw Paws. They grow best in moist soil and can tolerate wet feet, making them perfect when it becomes hard to find a sunny spot that doesn’t flood after every good rainstorm. The pawpaw is loved for its unique flavor that ranges from sweet to tart depending on the variety you choose.
Growing best in wet soils, the Pawpaws are here to make gardening around West Virginia that much easier. Learning about which variety to plant is easy when you know all about how they grow and what kind of taste you like. Pick from sweet or sour tastes with a tree tailored for your needs: oysters (sweet), Marionette (tart), or Alma’s Heritage (both). The last two varieties even have unique names inspired by the person who discovered them!
8. Bosc Pear Tree

The sweet-and-sour flavor of this green, firm fruit makes it popular both in the United States and abroad. The Bosc pear tree can be up to 20 ft tall but has a long life span of up to 130 years if properly cared for. It needs six hours of full sun per day and is only recommendable in temperate climates with an extended growing season because the trees are highly susceptible to fire blight disease that spreads quickly through their branches due to too much exposure to sunlight during warmer months when they have left.
Bosc pears are best for early ripening with a large, juicy sweetness. These trees take about four years to bear fruit and need up to six hours of sun per day. On the downside, these trees have been known to be highly susceptible to fire blight disease so it’s best not to plant them near other plants that could get infected as well. The Bosc pear tree is best suited for those in colder climates or areas where there aren’t many insects around during warmer months because they don’t do well with too much heat!
Growing best in wet soils, the Pawpaws are here to make gardening around West Virginia that much easier. Learning about which variety you want will help you find your perfect match: oyster,s shagbark, common pawpaw, or wild.
9. Pear Tree

Planting a pear tree is an investment in your yard’s health and happiness. The most important thing to know is that you can’t plant a seed straight into moist ground, the roots will rot because of air pockets within the soil which could cause tree death. Instead, buy one from our inventory or have us deliver for free*, you’ll want to dig a trench deep and wide as well as fill it with loose sand; fertilize too! Plant your new tree before watering thoroughly to encourage its growth.
Another date-sensitive issue: plant early so the roots grow strong enough by mid-April – then wait till late fall when they’re dormant to transplant them upside down at their final destination (away from natural gas fracking). *Delivery fee
The best pear trees for West Virginia are the Kieffer or Asian varieties. They’ll produce fruit as early as July and keep going into November, although there will be a shorter window of fruits available to harvest during that time. These two types have been hybridized with other pears which have had mixed results: some people prefer the old-fashioned taste of its parent instead of the sweeter new hybrids.
A favorite is Bosc Pears because they grow best in cooler climates. But if you’re looking for something more unique then try European Butter Pear Trees – these seldom seen beauties can stand up to high temperatures but don’t require many hours of frost protection so colder areas like West Virginia might not need anything extra!
10. Cherry Tree

Though everyone has their own preference, cherries are a delicious and juicy fruit to sink your teeth into with plump juice inside. If you’ve been thinking about starting a garden for years but worried it would be too tough-luck! Simply plant one of our Cherry Tree, which is great for warmer weather or those rainy winter months, in the spring or summer. Best of all? You can also grab some serviceberries that look similar to cherries but have lower pectin content – so they’re less likely to cause nausea than other types of berries. What are you waiting for? Start planting; start growing!
Cherry trees are best for warmer climates and needless winter protection. For best results, plant a cherry tree in the spring or summer so that it has plenty of time to produce fruit by fall. Most cherries can also be canned as well which is helpful if you live in an area where winters get frosty!
If your taste buds prefer sweeter fruits then Cherry Tree might be best for you – they have large tart fruit with delicious juice inside just waiting to burst onto your palette. But don’t forget about serviceberries too – these berries are easier on stomachs because they’re smaller than other types and not quite as tangy but still addictive once you try them out!
Final Thoughts
While a fresh apple from the tree may be your favorite fruit, there are many other types of trees that can produce delicious and healthy fruits. Whether you’re looking for something to grow in a pot or something bigger that will take up more space in your yard, here is our list of the 10 best fruit trees for West Virginia.
The Glenglo™ Peach Tree produces juicy peaches with beautiful skin color and flavor; the Methley Plum Tree has juicy purple plums; the American Persimmon Tree bears persimmons which have an orange-red flesh beneath its hard, hairless shell; Danube Cherry Trees bear sweet cherries with dark red skin on early bearing varieties while later ripening varieties have yellowish skins; Mulberry Trees are best known for their large, dark purple berries that taste like a blend of fresh figs and raisins; the Mirabelle Plum Tree produces sweet plums with small seeds.