Do you know why there is no dew on sundew? In this article, you will get the answer and solution to this issue. Sundews are sometimes referred to as “flypaper” plants because of the sticky hairs that coat their leaves. These hairs attract a variety of creatures, including insects. They are the representatives of one …
“Raised Bed Gardening” is a very famous method of horticulture for horticulture enthusiasts. A very common question asked about this method is ‘Should I line my raised garden bed?’ Here in this article, you will find answers to all your question regarding this issue. A raised-bed garden is a kind of gardening wherein the soil …
Raised garden beds, which are often referred to as garden boxes, are excellent for cultivating modest-sized patches of flowers and vegetables. They reduce soil compaction, protect soil from being compacted, guarantee water tightness, and function as a barricade against pests such as weeds growing along pathways. The Raised bed gardeners often tend to ask whether …
Are you excited about the prospect of growing your own Poinsettia as a Bonsai but are unhappy with the amount of room you can have readily accessible? If such is the case, the content of this article will be beneficial. Whether this is the case, you may discover that bonsai cultivation is the most suitable option …
Woodlice are crustacean terrestrial isopods. They are mostly harmless creatures who eat dead and decaying fruits and vegetables. Woodlice are one of nature’s best recyclers. These isopods are particularly useful to soil health and in compost heaps. While they mostly feed on decaying woods (as per their name) and make it their habitat, they might …
The word ‘Conifer’ is an umbrella term for many plants with the same type of fruit. Conifer trees bear a fruit that is shaped like a cone and the name ‘Conifer’ is said to come from this. These species of tree are seen all over North America. The famous conifers in nature are Fir, Arborvitae, …
Interested in growing your own loblolly pine bonsai but worried about the amount of space you have available? If so, this article will help you out. This being the case, bonsai farming may be the best option for you in this situation. Based on agricultural practices that have been in use in Japan for a …
Bonsai is the art of growing miniature versions of trees in a pot. The art is ancient and has millions of practitioners around the globe. Bonsai originated in China but evolved and turned into its present form, under the influence of Zen Buddhism. Let’s see, how to grow Mesquite Bonsai the easy way. We will …
The art of bonsai has a long history and has been an element of aesthetics for hundreds of years. Bonsai is the art of creating nature in miniature. The trees that are 15-20 feet tall can be grown in a pot using bonsai techniques and tricks. It is akin to gardening but not completely the …