The succulent plant is one of the most popular plants in recent years. They come in a wide variety of shapes and textures, which makes them highly desirable for people who want something different from the typical flowers or ferns.
However, they are also known to be difficult to care for. People often wonder “how long can succulents go without water?”
Luckily, there are many ways that you can make it so your succulents don’t need to be watered as often!
Succulents can survive months without water. Crassula can survive more than three months. And some succulents can survive six months to a year.
Succulents are a popular choice for people who want something different from the typical flowers or ferns. However, they are also known to be difficult to care for.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to caring for succulents. They all have different needs and preferences in their environment.
It’s important that you learn about how much light your plant gets each day and what kind of soil it prefers, before deciding on how frequently you should water your plants!
How Long Can Succulents Go Without Water?

Can succulents survive a month without water?
The answer is yes! Succulents will survive a month without water, but they’ll need to be watered more often as their roots are growing and trying to find the moisture that’s needed for them.
Can succulents survive without water?
No! Succulents can’t survive for long without water, so it’s important to know when and how often you should be watering them.
How to take care of succulents
Succulent care is easy to follow if you are committed to doing the right thing by your plants:
Give them space
“Check your soil periodically (at least once a month) with a moisture meter or dry sponge; make sure that each succulent has around three inches of space between its pot and the surface on which they sit.”
“We recommend planting one succulent per small container because this will give enough room for roots to grow, as well as prevent overcrowding.”
Don’t overwater
The most important rule in caring for succulents? “Don’t overwater!” Don’t let any standing water remain in the pots.
Overwatering causes rot, which can destroy your succulent plants.
Don’t overwater! It may seem like a good idea, because it will keep the soil moist and prevent drying out, but if you over-saturate the pot with too much water, then you’re going to cause rotting of roots – and this rots quickly spreads throughout the entire succulent, leading to its demise.
This common mistake is often made by those who are new succulent gardeners: they confuse thirstiness for being dry, and so they water the plant when it needs to be allowed to dry out.
Introduce sunlight gradually to the newly planted succulent.
It needs to gradually adapt and grow used to being outside or in a different environment.
Introduce sunlight gradually. It will need time for the sun’s intensity to become something it can handle without harm, so prepare your succulent by placing it where you want it before planting it outdoors.
Start with five minutes of direct light per day, then increase by one minute each week until they are ready for full exposure.
Sensitive to frost
It’s also important to know that “Succulents are sensitive to frost…it is recommended not to plant them outdoors when nighttime temperatures hover at or below freezing.”
How often do succulents have to be watered?
A succulent’s water needs vary depending on the type of soil it is planted in, whether or not its container has drainage holes, and how much light it receives.
Generally speaking though, they need to be watered every couple of weeks if they are well-established with a healthy root system. If you notice your plant becoming droopy or wilting, they may need a quick drink.
Reduce water in winter: Succulents are sensitive to frost, and it is recommended not to plant them outdoors when nighttime temperatures hover at or below freezing.
It’s also important to know that “Succulents are sensitive to frost…it is recommended not to plant them outdoors when nighttime
How long do you let succulents dry out?
When water needs are low, it is recommended to allow the soil around a succulent to completely dry before watering again.
This may be as long as two weeks in winter and up to four weeks during the summer months when temperatures exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
A good way of telling if your plant’s soil has dried out too much is by feeling the surface of the soil.
If it is dry and crumbly, then water your succulent plant thoroughly to saturate the roots in order to avoid root rot.
Succulents are plants that can go for weeks without watering. They are used in drought-prone areas as they require very little water to survive and grow.
You may need to take care of your succulents if it is outdoors, but most people keep them indoors where you shouldn’t worry about the plant’s well-being too much.
Some succulents do not like hot or cold weather so make sure you have a good idea of what type of environment your particular plant prefers before planting it outside on a porch or balcony (or inside).
Watering frequency will vary based on how warm or cool the air temperature is – some species prefer more frequent watering when conditions are warmer while others only want one deep soak every few months!