Do you know why there is no dew on sundew? In this article, you will get the answer and solution to this issue.
Sundews are sometimes referred to as “flypaper” plants because of the sticky hairs that coat their leaves. These hairs attract a variety of creatures, including insects. They are the representatives of one of the plant families that has the greatest diversity of carnivorous plants. Their leaf surfaces are covered in lengthy tentacles, and at the tip of each tentacle is a gland that exudes an adhesive material. Dewdrops are the name given to these droplets because of their translucent appearance when illuminated by light.
These plants get their sustenance from the insects that feed on them. There is a large population of mosquitoes in the habitat that sundews prefer to live in, which suggests that mosquitoes most likely make up a significant portion of their diet there. Since sundews choose to reside in this ecosystem, the mosquito population is high.
Sundew plant mostly gained popularity because of the dews it has on their leaves. But sometimes, plants seem to have no dew at all on their fossil which arises tension among the sundew enthusiasts.

Why There Is No Dew on Sundew?
There should be droplets on your sundew, but there are none. This is possibly an indicator that you are not growing it correctly. Mucus can only be produced by a Drosera that is content. Low humidity is the most prevalent cause of a sundew that does not produce dew. Other potential causes include too high temperatures, inadequate illumination, and the presence of impurities in the water supply. The fact that you are not fertilizing your plant is another factor that contributes to the absence of dew on your plant.
These are not the only factors that could be causing your sundew to be unhappy, but they are some of the most common ones.
It is possible that your plant will not produce mucus drops even if you are correctly cultivating it. It’s possible that it’s simply going through a dry spell right now. For instance, the exquisite African species Drosera capensis, which is grown with the utmost care, yet succumbs to death on occasion and returns to the soil. As the plant’s stem dries up and dies back, the leaves will lose their dew and look terrible as a result.
To add insult to injury, using a spray bottle to apply water to your sundew in the hopes that it would kill it is not going to work. It will be unpleasant to the habitation of the plant. The dew drops are not just composed of water droplets; rather, they are composed of a unique combination of chemicals. If you want to know what it’s like for the plant, you may try simulating its experience by spraying water into your own eyes.
Main reasons which cause no dew on sundew!
1. Deformities of the Leaves
Deformities in the leaves may sometimes be attributed to natural factors. Insects, substances known as “humic acids,” and inadequate acclimatization of the plant are among other exogenous factors that might lead to abnormal leaf development.
- Natural Causes
There are instances in which the leaves of a sundew plant do not develop appropriately. When it comes to taking care of your sundew, if you’ve done everything correctly, and you’ve investigated all of the underlying reasons of poor sundew health, then it’s possible that the only problem your plant is experiencing is that it’s having a few problems developing its leaves. In almost all cases, natural leaf abnormalities straighten themselves up.
- Insects
You should be able to see the insects quite clearly if they are on the plant itself if they are the cause of the issue with your leaves. On the other hand, there are occasions when the insects are really within the earth, feeding on the younger roots. If this is the case, you will most likely see them scurrying about on their bellies in the dirt.
- The following are three potential remedies for insect damage that is compromising the growth of the leaves on your sundew:
- Reduce the amount of water you give your plants so they have time to dry out between waterings. This will assist in reducing the likelihood that insects will be able to flourish in the damp soil.
- You should provide your sundews with extra light. Certain insects, such as aphids, are known to be attracted to sundews, which suffer from a lack of light.
- Ensure that there is enough air circulation all around the plants you have. Conditions of stagnancy are perfect breeding grounds for insects.
2. Environmental Concerns
Problems with the surrounding environment are yet another factor that can prevent dew from collecting on your sundew. There are four primary environmental elements that regulate mucilage production, and there are three major environmental problems that may lead to reduced dew production.
Mucilage production can be influenced by the environment in a number of ways. Mucilage formation is primarily controlled by four environmental elements: light, temperature, humidity, and air movement. Light is the most important of these four factors.
When it comes to the environment, light is by far the most significant component for mucilage formation. In the event that your sundew does not get enough amount of light, it will continue to be fully green, and the tentacles will not have any red color. Your sundew will not be able to capture prey since the dew it produces will be primarily water when there is not enough light for it. Dew is only created in conditions of high humidity and will not be particularly sticky when there is high humidity.
Temperature is another factor that may play a role in determining whether or not dew forms. The amount of water that your plant is able to expel via its tentacles is directly proportional to the temperature. Temperatures that are too high result in the loss of water and may cause the dew to evaporate in a very short amount of time.
Because an appropriate level of humidity will reduce the amount of water that is lost in the plant, and because it will cause the dew drops to be bigger, humidity is an essential aspect that must be managed. When there is a lot of wind, strong sun, and greater temperatures, there needs to be more humidity. If there is a requirement, you may enhance the humidity by using a humidifier.
Movement of the air
When dealing with the creation of mucilage, air movement is another environmental component that has to be controlled. When the circumstances are humid, it is particularly vital to ensure that there is enough airflow in your plant’s environment in order to prevent the development of fungus or the arrival of insects. When temperatures are high, the movement of air is necessary because it helps to enhance the amount of cooling that occurs through evaporation.
3. Root Rot
When the leaves, or tentacles, of the sundew, entirely coil up and lose their dew, it is a sign that the plant is suffering from root rot. There are also instances in which the sundew may take on a brown color.

Some of the causes of root rot
- A level of water that is too high
- The tray of the pot never has a chance to become dry.
- The ground does not drain enough effectively.
- It’s possible that the temperature dropped too much.
- It’s possible that the light’s intensity isn’t high enough.
Possible remedies for root rot
- Make sure the roots of the plant aren’t contacting the tray by using a container that’s a little bit higher. This will allow for more even distribution of moisture throughout the soil.
- Make use of a soil composition that has good drainage. In some circumstances, the drainage of the soil may be improved by using sand rather than perlite. Perlite, on the other hand, is often more effective when there is a significant amount of air movement.
- Sometimes you should wait until your tray has been fully emptied of its contents before refilling it. This contributes to a reduction in the proliferation of pests. However, you must take care to prevent the soil from entirely drying up. It’s possible that this may cause your plant to dry out.
- If you utilize any additional light sources to boost the illumination of your plant, you should lengthen the photoperiod that you are utilizing.
Your plant will benefit from increased air circulation if you do this.
This article summarizes all the reasons in the main reasoning and sub-reasoning and solution plots for you to understand better why there is no dew on Sundew. Hopefully, it will help you to fix your plant. Happy gardening!