Succulents are plants that store water in their body. These plants are fleshy and when you tear the parts water oozes out. They are suitable for desert regions and semi-arid areas.
Some of them store water in their stem or if they have leaves, those are used as water storage. Succulents have deep or wide roots and they are present in over 60 plant families. The most common examples of succulents are Aloe vera, Jade plant, Echeveria elegant, etc.
So, let’s take a look at this, can succulents survive without sunlight or not. and we will also talk about some other important aspects as well.
Can Succulents Survive Without Sunlight?
At present succulents are quite famous as decorative or ornamental indoor plants. These plants are mostly seen nowadays as desk accessories or on shelves in homes. Sometimes in these indoor situations, the plants have access to sunlight or sometimes they do not. So how do you know which plants will survive without sunlight? The answer is, it depends on the species of the plants.
Succulents grow in a variety of environments and some can survive in low light places. Although it is true that some succulents need to perform photosynthesis to generate energy to survive.
For them, the sun is an essential part of their life and they will slowly die in the absence of sunlight. So it is vital to know about different types of succulents before you plan to acquire them.

Succulents That Grow In Dim Light
If you are looking for succulents that can survive without the sun, the list is long. So do not be worried about limited options. However, they cannot grow in complete darkness. So, you have to buy small grow lights. They cost around 20 to 40 dollars on amazon. Keep these grow lamps stationed on them for 6 to 8 hours a day that will be enough for them to survive.
A few famous low light succulents are Echeveria, String of pearls, Mistletoe cactus, String of hearts, Burro’s tail, Ox tongue plant, etc.
The Echeveria is one of the most famous succulents. They are also known as Echeveria Elegans and Mexican snowball. These plants are native to Mexico and will grow in any kind of sandy soil. The plants are rosette with pale silvery or green leaves. These grow willingly and create carpets of rosette-shaped succulents in open spaces.
If they are planted in a pot they cannot grow as much and in pots normally one bloom is kept. They do not need much water just like other succulents and do not need much care either.
It is said they grow better without care but you should not forget to water occasionally. The plant needs only 4 to 6 hrs of sunlight if no light source is present. So position the plant in spaces that get a little bit of sunlight or just provide it a grow light.
String Of Pearls
A string of pearls or Senecio Rowleyanus is another beautiful succulent. They can be put in a basket pot on a shelf or in a high place. Their string-like leaves look beautiful hanging from high places and they look like hanging green pearls.
The trees do well in soil with good drainage. So sandy soil would be nice for these plants just like other succulents. The plants also do not need much water and watering them every two weeks is enough. A string of pearls can thrive both outdoors and indoors.
Although outdoors it does well in the shade where there is no direct sunlight. It needs 6 to 8 hours of indirect sunlight to survive and indoors a grow lamp can fulfill that need.
Mistletoe Cactus
Mistletoe cactus or the Rhipsalis Baccifera is a plant that is native to Florida, Mexico, and Brazil. The plants are unlike normal cacti, they do not have any needles and have thin pencil-like succulent stems. The plant also does not share a love for the sun like other cacti. It loves to grow in dim and moist places.
The plant, unlike other succulents, needs water and has to be watered daily. However, overwatering the plant will create difficulties. The damaged stems can be cut and it will not harm the tree. These plants have recently become very famous for their ornamental value.
String Of Hearts
The String of hearts or Ceropegia Woodii is a plant that is found in Swaziland, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. It is a plant that looks good in a hanging basket pot. Their leaves are small heart-shaped and have good aesthetic value. The leaves are green and can have markings of purple, silver colors. Usually, they grow 2 to 3 inches long and the purple thin stems can reach up to 3 to 9 feet.
The plant just like most succulents does not do well in direct sunlight. It needs to be kept close to light where it can get 3 to 4 hours of indirect sunlight. If that cannot be done a grow light can work as an alternative. The tree does not need much water and watering it every week once is perfectly fine.

Burro’s Tail
Burro’s tail or the Sedum Morganianum is another famous succulent. It is a plant that looks good in hanging baskets and is normally found in dry places. The tree has stems that are laden with small fleshy leaves and they signify tails.
The plant cannot survive in direct sunlight and in strong winds. They do well indoors with indirect sunlight and do not need much water to survive just like most other succulents. They are mostly green but sometimes can have a gray-green or blue-green outlook.
Ox Tongue Plant
Ox tongue or Gasteria Obliqua is a succulent that is native to South Africa. They have fleshy stemless leaves speckled with white dots. The leaves are normally deep green and they can grow up to 6 inches in a pot.
These trees nowadays are mostly seen in office spaces and homes. They look great for succulents and bring a sense of nature indoors. The plants thrive in soils with good drainage and in dim light. The watering should be done only when the soil is dry.
There are many other succulents that can survive without direct sunlight. So you should learn about succulent types and habits, to make sure you can acquire a plant that suits your needs. They will surely bring serenity and add natural aesthetics to your living place or workspace.