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Top 13 Best Native Indian Fruits List With Images in 2023

Top 13 Best Native Indian Fruits List With Images in 2023

Indian Fruits are a great way to get your appetite started. And with the change in season, there is an abundance of them available for you to try! In this post, we take a look at 17 Native Indian Fruits that will have your mouth watering and stomach growling.

You can start by trying some of these tasty fruits:

Star Fruit

The star fruit is native to Southeast Asia and its name comes from the five-pointed shape of the fruit. The fruit has a light yellow skin that can turn into green or orange when it ripens, revealing tiny edible seeds inside.

Eaten raw, this tasty treat tastes best chilled with salt sprinkled on top for some extra flavor! It’s also rich in Vitamin C and dietary fiber making it an excellent choice during pregnancy as it helps your body absorb iron more easily too.

star fruit
star fruit



Native to Malaysia, this fruit is traditionally used in Indian medicine as a treatment for asthma. The langsat has a light green outer skin and white fleshy inside that contains edible seeds. It’s best eaten chilled and makes an excellent juice ingredient too! In India, it is believed to help with the prevention of colds or flu.

The Langsat tree produces fruits all year-round so you’ll be able to find them at any time during the year as long as they’re grown outdoors where temperatures are warmer than 18 degrees Celsius (or 64 degrees Fahrenheit) without frost being present!

Wood Apple

Wood Apple
Wood Apple

The wood apple is also known as the pitha, or “wood-pulp fruit” in India. It has a round shape and orange skin that contains a white flesh inside with edible seeds. This fruit originates from Southeast Asia and can be found mainly in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar (Burma), and Thailand!

Wood apples are one of the most popular fruits to eat during Indian festivals such as Diwali because they represent wealth for the coming year. They’re often made into halwa which is similar to a sweet cake dessert but traditionally eaten at night before bedtime during this time of celebration!

Ice Apple

Ice Apple
Ice Apple

The ice apple is also known as the “apple of the snow”, which sounds like a perfect name for this fruit! It’s often found in northeastern India where it grows near orchards and forests. The skin may be greenish-yellow to yellow with pink strips, but don’t worry about that because it tastes great no matter what color you find them!

Ice apples are very sweet tasting and taste best when they’re sliced up or mashed with sugar into a paste until smooth. They make an excellent jam if you let them sit out on your counter overnight so that their natural pectin can form during those hours!

Tree Sorrel

Tree Sorrel
Tree Sorrel

The tree sorrel is a sour-tasting fruit that grows on the side of trees and bushes. It’s traditionally eaten at night before bedtime during this time of celebration! Tree Sorrels are green or reddish in color, with tart flesh similar to lemons. The peel has a smooth texture but it must be peeled off because its skin is very bitter tasting.

Tree Sorrel can also be used as medicine for diarrhea relief mixed with honey or sugar water if you choose not to eat them raw as many Indians do nowadays! They’re extremely tasty when eaten fresh out of hand and they pair well with dry fruits such as figs, almonds (dry roasted), pistachios, raisins & apricots.



Pomelos are a citrus fruit that’s shaped like a grapefruit, but much larger. They can be found all over India and they make great juice! In the cold months of winter Indians drink it with spicy food for an extra kick in flavor.

Their peel is very thick so you’ll need to cut off both ends before peeling it by hand. The flesh is pale yellow when peeled and softens into orange-flavored segments upon cutting them open or biting into one ripe pomelo. Pomelos pair well with jaggery syrup, tamarind chutney & papadum chips (fried lentil wafers).

Indian Hog Plum

Indian Hog Plum
Indian Hog Plum

Indian Hog Plum is a fruit that’s native to the Indian Subcontinent. It also goes by “Chalah” in some regions of India, and it looks like an apple when mature but it has a sour taste.

Hog plums are often used during food traditions such as Holi or Diwali where they’re cut into pieces for people to eat with their hands in order to symbolize unity between everyone. The seed inside tastes similar to cherries while the flesh slightly resembles apricots- sweet yet tart at the same time!



Mangosteen is a fruit that’s native to Southeast Asia, and it can be found in countries such as India or Thailand. There are some regions where people refer to mangosteens as “Golf Ball Fruit” because of their soft exterior!

When you cut them open, the inside has segments similar to oranges- with an inner seed surrounded by juicy flesh. Mangosteens have a sweet taste that may remind one of lychees or raspberries while also having sour notes like lemons or grapefruit.



Camachile, also known as the “tree tomato”, is a fruit that’s native to Latin America. It can be found in countries such as Mexico or Colombia!

The outer skin of camachiles is green and when you cut them open these fruits are bright red on the inside with small seeds in between sections- just like an apple. They’re sweet yet tangy tasting while having flavors similar to strawberries, oranges, and pineapples all at once.

Mangosteens have a sweet taste that may remind one of lychees or raspberries while also having sour notes like lemons or grapefruit.

Elephant Apple

Elephant Apple
Elephant Apple

The elephant apple, also known as the “king of fruits”, is a fruit that can only be found in Southeast Asia.

It’s called an elephant apple because it looks like one! The outside skin ranges from red to green and when you cut these apples open there are white seeds inside with orange flesh on the surface which makes them very juicy and fragrant at the same time.

Elephant Apples have a sweet taste reminiscent of grapes or watermelon while still maintaining sour notes like lemons or limes. It tastes very similar to kiwi but without that distinctive fuzzy texture.

Beed Custard Apple

Beed Custard Apple
Beed Custard Apple

The Beed Custard Apple is a fruit that can be found in the Western Ghats of India as well as other parts of Asia.

These apples are usually about 30cm long and have orange-red skin while also requiring less sugar when left to ripen on the tree for too long!

Beed Custards taste like honey with just a hint of sourness making it more akin to peaches than lemons or limes. It’s sweet but not overpowering with tastes reminiscent of apricots, hazelnuts, and vanilla beans. Sometimes there will even be hints of banana which makes this apple unique from any other Indian fruits out there today!

Dahanu Gholvad Chikoo

Dahanu Gholvad Chikoo
Dahanu Gholvad Chikoo

The Dahanu Gholvad Chikoo is a type of Indian fruit that was first discovered in the village of Dahanu, Maharashtra.

It’s best eaten at its peak when it ripens to orange and has an aroma reminiscent of wine. The pulp tastes like creamy caramel with hints of candied lemon making this fruit perfect for people who are looking for something on the sweeter side!

Dahanu Gholvads have a thin peel which makes them more accessible than other Indian fruits because they’re not as difficult to eat or digest so you can enjoy all those delicious flavors without any hassle.



The Papaya is a type of Indian fruit that’s well-known for its strong and sweet flavor. The musky smell, which can be detected even when the papaya isn’t being cut open, comes from an enzyme called carotene. It has been said that the seeds in this fruit are toxic so avoid eating them!

Papayas have many health benefits including reducing indigestion because they’re high in fiber as well as vitamin C which helps to fight off infection. Studies have also shown that people who eat papayas on a regular basis tend to enjoy improved skin conditions like acne or psoriasis due to their enzymes and antioxidants.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is starfruit bad for kidneys?

Studies show that eating starfruit can have a harmful (toxic) effect for people who have kidney disease. The substances found in starfruit can affect the brain and cause neurological disorders. This toxic substance is called a neurotoxin

Is custard apple good for health?

custard apple is a sweet, tropical fruit with a creamy texture. It’s loaded with beneficial nutrients that may support your mood, immunity, and digestion. However, cherimoya contains small amounts of toxic compounds — especially in the skin and seeds.

What does Camachile taste like?

A curly, knobby bean pod with a thin, brittle shell. The white to red popcorn-like filling, surrounding 5-12 shiny, edible black beans, has a sweet-tart flavour variously described as apple-coconut or dried pineapple-peach. It is used to make a drink similar to lemonade. Months for fruit to ripen: 2-4.


We hope you enjoyed our list of 13 delicious Indian fruits, and we would love to hear about your favorite fruit in the comments below. Don’t forget that not all fruits are created equal – some have more fiber than others or a higher level of antioxidants. The point is to try new things! Remember that variety really does spice up life with its many flavors and textures- so get out there and explore what India has to offer!
