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Why Bonsai Is So Expensive? Secret Revealed

A centuries-old pine tree had been sold for 1.3 million dollars in Japan. Now you may wonder what’s so special in a miniature tree that makes it so costly. Well, all your questions will be answered today. Because today we are going to discuss why Bonsai is so expensive.

Million Dollar Bonsai
Million Dollar Bonsai

True Value of Bonsai

The real value of a thing depends on the history of that thing. If you look back at the history of bonsai, you will see hundred-year-olds efforts and techniques. Growing a bonsai tree is not just a mere thing; it’s an art.

Bonsai was actually adopted from the Chinese art of penjing. Later Japanese created this art with their own technique. The true worth of a bonsai tree is much more than you can think of. Bonsai trees can teach you so many valuable lessons.

Bonsai Over Priced
Bonsai is so expensive
  • First of all, patience is needed the most to grow a bonsai tree. A bonsai tree can take a much longer time and some required years. Throughout the whole time, you have to be patient and wait for the tree to grow to your desired shape. 
  • Another crucial factor is balance and harmony. Generally, a tree grows where the sunlight takes it, but a bonsai tree needs to be in a particular form. So a keen observation is required in order to find the perfect balance. A bonsai tree is an ideal example of teaching you that the environment you live in matters in your flourishment.
  •  A bonsai tree needs the right amount of soil and environment to grow properly. Without these things, it will not survive, and a bonsai tree can teach you that same goes for a person too.

What regulates the price of bonsai?

Bonsai trees prices vary from country to country. Usually a bonsai tree costs around twenty to sixty dollars and can be found in a nursery. But in your local nursery, you will only find the young bonsai trees.

Matured and old bonsai are rare to see in the USA and Europe. The grown trees can only be found in Japan, and those cannot be transported in other countries because of strict laws. However, various other factors are included when determining the price of a bonsai tree.

Nursery Bonsai
Nursery Bonsai


As I have stated previously, growing a bonsai tree is not a simple thing. It’s an art. Bonsai trees need to be taken care of constantly, and these need to be in keen observation always.

In Japan, one bonsai tree is taken care of by generations of families. The techniques of growing a bonsai are not easy to learn and take time to master those techniques. Just one single mistake can spoil years of hard work.

Age of bonsai

Buyers actually like to buy age-old bonsai trees because the old ones are more mature. The more mature a bonsai tree is, the more appeal it will make to the buyers. However, it does not necessarily mean that the young bonsais are not beautiful or functional.

A new bonsai tree is also profoundly taken care of to grow appropriately. But some people love the old ones because an old bonsai tree is actually a symbol of perseverance and responsibility.


Species of the tree is a significant factor which regulates the price of a bonsai tree. Some trees are hard to make into a bonsai, and some look really beautiful when turned into a bonsai, which ultimately affects the costing.


Pots are essential to grow the perfect bonsai. If the pot is not good or fragile, then the tree will not grow. Some customers prefer an antique Japanese pot, and some prefer designs in the pot. So a good and beautiful pot will increase the price of the bonsai tree.

Japanese Bonsai
Japanese Bonsai

Tree Trunk

Bonsai trees are miniature of the actual tree; that’s why the tree trunk will be thick and mature like the real tree. This trunk can be created, but it isn’t easy to make it, and only the experienced ones can do it. The tree trunk needs to be like the original tree, but at the same, it has to be capable of carrying the branches and leaves.

The Japanese bonsai tree trunks look like the actual tree trunks, and they need a lot of time to do that. While the Chinese bonsai trees look like the original one but the blemishes can be seen.

Colour of Bonsai

The color of the bonsai tree is another crucial factor. While choosing a color, a bonsai artist has to take care of individual elements. People like those trees which change the color of leaves seasonally.

When artists make trees, they can make many different types of combinations of colors. Colors can make a great impression on the buyers if the barks, leaves, flowers, and pot are adequately synchronized.


The looks of a bonsai is an essential factor for buyers while buying a bonsai. In short, the more beautiful a bonsai tree will look, the pricier it will be. So a bonsai artist generally makes those bonsai, which will be visually appealing to the buyers.

The appearance of the bonsai tree also lies in its presentation. A bonsai tree can be paired with other trees, or it can be made like a little forest, in that way it will look more beautiful.

Exotic Bonsai
Exotic Bonsai

Rare bird

A common thing about us people is, the more unique a thing is, and the more we want to have it. The same goes for the bonsai trees. Usually, the rare types of bonsai trees are hundreds of years old or have a stunning look or have some unique characteristics. 

Challenges: “Scars. A sign that you had been hurt. A sign that you had healed.”

― Benjamin Alire Sáenz

Overcoming challenges and difficulties are what make us human beings. Our scars show us how many battles we have won in life. Similarly, there are some pearls of wisdom behind the aged old bonsai trees.

It looks majestic on the outside, but if you look carefully enough, then you can look at its scars and understand the difficulties it has gone through. That’s what makes the bonsai trees special that it reminds us that we can stand strong when we will go through difficulties.

Hope now you understand why Bonsai is so expensive.

Thanks Bonsaiinsider