Most people prefer gardening as the best medium to spend their leisure time. You can say it is a blessing to have a terrace or ground-floor full of beautiful plants. These greenery scenes fill our minds with refreshment.
But most people have a misconception about gardening. They think it is all about planting it and then watering.
See there are various matters you need to care about to maintain gardening.

The prerequisite of creating a garden or maintaining gardening is to have an adequate number of gardening tools.
These tools will help you to complete your tasks perfectly. You cannot build a garden only with your bare hands my friend.
But how would you know which tools are best for you? This is why my article comes in.
I’m going to explain to you step by step so that you can broaden your knowledge about gardening tools and their pros and cons.
What gardening tools do you need?
Basically, the needs for gardening tools vary from person to person.
Sometimes it depends on what kind of garden or plants you are growing. But mostly there are some common tools.
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1. Weeder
.Weeds are the common enemy of plants as it reduces their growth and also harbor insect pests and parasites.
Sometimes they also compete with the plants for light and water. So in the case of gardening, removing weeds is one of the most important works.
So in this case the tool you will need is called “Weeder “. It’s better if you use weeders rather than chemicals because those would spoil the natural growth and can also cause many harms.

The weeder is a small hand tool that would allow you to remove weeds (removing their roots) one by one. When you use it properly, your garden or plants will be free from its attacks of it. As it removes weed individually, the process is quite long and hard working.
2. Soil Knife
This tool replaces many gardening tools with its versatile nature. You can use it to divide plants, remove stones, cut unnecessary leaves, remove twins and ties.

It actually came from the traditional Hori Hori knife from Japan. Here Hori indicates digging. Its made of stainless steel and also has a sharp edge on one side.
This sharp edge works like a saw. You can also use it for pruning and aeration. It will allow you to cut while determining the length of soil.
3. Pruning Shears
In order to grow perfectly pruning your plants is the most important task. In this way, you can remove the deadwood and other harmful or useless leaves. Always remember your intention of pruning is to have plants with healthy growth.
Pruning shears of good quality ensures a clean cut of unnecessary flowers and removes weeds.
Pruning shears are actually scissors that are used to cut plants instead of paper.
It helps you to shape your plant the way you want. So in order to make your garden look beautiful, pruning shears are needed.

It is usually used with one hand and best if you use it for short plants.
There are different types of pruning shears such as bypass pruners, anvil pruners, electronic pruners.
4. Loopers
Pruning shears are perfect if you are planning to cut or prune short plants and branches. But in the case of heavier duty cutting, loopers might be the best choice for you.
The main benefit of using a looper is this tool spreads your control all over the branch by its longer handles. It will also help you to reach more heights than usual.

Loopers are usually used with two hands and the handles of it can reach 2 meters max.
5. Leaf Rakes
Rakes are usually used to clean up leaves that you see every day beside the plants. Some people do it in the fall and then again in spring.
While buying this tool, make sure your rake has a large fan-like blade. If the bristles are made of metal or steel, it will allow you to clear or gather loose debris and other rubbish very easily.
But in order to level the soil or clear the weeds, you need to use bow rakes. Bow rakes have more studier steel than leaf rakes. You can also use it to spread the mulch.

Sometimes normal leaf rakes cannot gather all the small rubbish that is strongly stuck in the soil. In that case, you need to use ” Hand rake “. It is mostly used to clear up the soil and light tilling.
6. Garden Hoe
Planting seed is probably the most important gardening task. This work has been very easy since the invention of the garden hoe.
If you think you can just plant your seeds by removing the soil with your bare hands, you are extremely wrong.
Without using a hoe, you won’t be able to dig your soil perfector planting seeds. For this, even your plants can suffer.
It has a flat blade and woodland which hit it very easy to use. It can also be used to dig trenches that are perfect for planting seeds.
Remember one thing while buying it, always look for stainless steel blade because it makes the hoe rust-resistant.

The structure is also perfectly made to harvest crops and remove dead ones.
7. Trowel
This gardening tool doesn’t do a specific job like others. You can call it a versatile tool because you may use it in different types of works like moving plants, crops, and soils, putting fertilizer, removing weeds, and digging also.
As the shape is not very large, this tool is very user-friendly with its combination of wood handles and stainless stills.
Like other tools, If the shovel part of the garden trowel is not made of stainless steel, it will mostly end up being broken.

Always remember, infected trowels can bring various diseases to the plants. So clean your trowel with sanitizers after every use.
8. Shovel
When you have to do a big amount of digging, a trowel will not be a perfect choice. You will need a gardening shovel for that.
Apart from digging, you can use it to level the soil and remove the mulch. Whether you are fertilizing the soil or filling up a hole with composts, you will need a shovel.

You can find various shovels with different kinds of heights. So choose one which is convenient for your height.
9. Pruning Saw
Pruning shears are actually made for small plants and branches. But larger branches and plants need something bigger and a pruning saw is the best candidate in that case.

Don’t go for a chainsaw because when it comes to gardening, pruning a saw gives you more advantage than a chainsaw as it is very handy and provides you absolute control. You can cut and shape your long branches and trees as you please.
10. Wheelbarrow
When you take care of your plants by digging the soil or removing the weeds or cutting away damaged plants, much debris or rubbish would also be there. If you take and clean this by hand one by one, it would take you a long time to clear the area.
So a wheelbarrow would save you a lot of time. By using it, you can transport your waste materials very easily. Hard work is also not needed if you use a wheelbarrow, you just have to push the handle.

While buying it, make sure its constructed materials include rubber which ensures a rust-proof performance.
If you planning to do some gardening tasks like cutting thorny shrubs or pulling up nettles with your naked hands, you will end up hating gardening as your hands will go undergo suffering.
Plants can turn your hands irritated if they are unprotected. So in order to avoid those circumstances, you need to use a pair of gardening gloves.
Don’t buy regular medical gloves. For gardening, thick gloves are the best. Because then it can protect you from unwanted scratches.

This gardening tool will also keep you safe from harmful metal-made gardening tools.
If I ask you what is the most important ingredient for plants, the first thing that will come to your mind is water.
So a good quality sprinkler system in your garden will ensure healthy grow up for the plants. It will also minimize your hard work to a greater extent.
This sprinkler system plays a significant role in order to nourish your garden. By connecting it to a watering hose, you can just sit and enjoy its work of soaking the field.

Some sprinklers have an automatic timer. In that case, you don’t have to wait and ensure it’s work. It will stop automatically by your direction in the timer.
13. Dandelion digger
This tool is basically for removing small and strong weeds and roots.
You can gain more control than weeder in this tool as it is very short and helps you to remove specific weeds and roots.
It’s basically a screwdriver that has a forked tip to ensure the perfect entanglement of the weeds. (You can also use a screwdriver with a blade to have the same result).
You may think this tool is only for dandelion plants. But no, you can use it to remove any kind of small weeds and long roots.

When you insert the fork tip into the ground or weeds root, it will literally jump into the air.
You can also use this dandelion digger to harvest asparagus.
14. Garden kneeler
Sometimes we have to work in the Garden for more than two-three hours. It’s very normal if we feel severe pain in our back or on the knees. These aches and pains in the leg or knee create a disbalance in life.
This tool will help you to kneel easily without creating any pain. This small tool will save you from a lot of joint pains.
While buying make sure this has foam padding to cushion so you feel comfortable using it.
And the frame must be made of metal so you can easily take the support of it with your hands while getting up or sitting.

If you cannot afford this tool, you can use knee pads to prevent pain. A pair of knee pads will have the same quality soft gel core and foam padding to cushion like the garden kneeler and will give great comfort while doing your works.
15. Digging Fork
When you want to break the soil for the betterment of the plants, you can do it with either shovel or garden rake. But in order to get real penetration, a digging fork is what you need.
By using this, you can reach some real depth in the soil. ( basically, double the amount than shovels).
For good penetration, you need to mix the soil, turn it upside down, losing or lift many waste materials or fertilizers.
This task will become easier than ever with this digging fork. The pointy steel ends of the fork will help you to penetrate the soil perfectly.

While you are buying a fork, try to ensure welded steel construction because if it’s made of wood, it will most certainly break while entering hard soil.
16. Lawn Mower
The prerequisite job of creating a garden is looking after your lawn. Without taking proper care of it, you may end up losing the whole hard work. That is exactly why a lawnmower is one of the most important tools.
There are different types of mowers such as electric mowers, gas mowers, and normal push mowers.
They all have their unique qualities. But mostly they do the same work. It actually depends on the size of your garden and what type of task you want to do.
If you are willing to use it in a large garden, a gas lawn mower will be perfect. And in the case of a small patch, electric mowers are good.
Now if you want to save your money you can go for normal pushing mowers but they do not give that much service especially uphill.

Every good lawn mower has the quality to cut through strong grass. You can adjust the height as your preference. This tool will help you to do mulching tasks also.
Some people think that this mowing is only for visual delight. But that’s, not the fact, without mowing, pests will grow on the grass and ultimately they will harm your plants.
17. Scissors and Shears
These are actually versatile tools means you can use them in various tasks. Sheers are usually used in terms of cutting thicker stems more than one at a time.
You can also use them to remove the thinner stems from the plant. Sheers are actually perfect for cutting the useless part without harming the leaves or the plants as they are very small and handy
And scissors mostly do the same thing. You will need them trimming and shaping. But normal scissors and gardening scissors have differences so keep that in mind while buying one.

If you cannot afford a weeder, you can use gardening scissors instead of that. It will also help you to pull out the weeds ( But not as perfectly as weeder).
18. Watering Can
It is also called a hand sprinkler. When you are using a normal sprinkler system in the field, a large amount of water gets wasted. And many plants don’t get enough water.
So a watering can is a tool that will help you to water specific plants in their specific parts. It has a handle and a mouth from where the water flows.

Though this tool is very old-fashioned, you will get a full gardener vibe whole using it.
19. Hand Sprayer
Though fertilizers and pesticides are harmful to the growth of plants, you have to use at least a minimum amount of them. Otherwise, your plant might face much trouble.
So hand sprayer is a tool that will help you to put this fertilizer and pesticides in your plant by containing them.

You can also adjust the coverage of the spray. If you don’t use this tool while putting fertilizers or Pesticides, you may use them more than necessary (accidents can happen while doing it by bare hands). That would create a serious problem. So a hand sprayer will help you to use the exact amount you want to put in the plant.
20. Leaf Blower
This tool is basically needed if your garden is situated under some big trees. A leaf blower is actually a vacuum cleaner that works for specifically leaves. When the plants shed leaves, you have to clear that otherwise the beauty gets lost.
And also most importantly if you do not remove them timely, they will cover some small plants and will reduce their growth too.

This tool will also clear rubbishes and debris. Many will say leaf rakes do the same thing.
Yes, but a leaf blower will reduce your hard work and also provide you with a full clear garden with no leaves and debris.